Montecatini thermal baths are known throughout the world, a must-see destination during your stay at our 5-star hotel, located a short distance from the main thermal facilities in the area.
Montecatini spas are famous for the beneficial properties of their thermal waters, which flow naturally from the depths of the earth, rich in beneficial and highly regenerating minerals.
All the facilities are located within the large green area that, with the Panteraie Park and the Spa Park, represents most of the city’s historic center.
A true temple of wellness built in the 19th century, a spa in a centuries-old park, a masterpiece of Art Nouveau architecture, featuring impressive columns, mosaics and artistic fountains.
Here you can book a wide range of treatments, from therapeutic massages to curative mud baths, thanks to the waters particularly recommended for their purifying and digestive properties
Il volto più moderno delle terme a Montecatini, un ambiente contemporaneo dotato delle tecnologie più avanzate: un centro termale all’avanguardia e funzionale in cui trovare piscine, percorsi kneipp, bagni di vapore, inalazioni ed aerosol.
Un’esperienza di lusso e relax di alta qualità, ambienti raffinati in stile neorinascimentale e trattamenti su misura: fatevi conquistare da esclusive coccole su viso e corpo attraverso prodotti naturali e tecniche raffinate per rigenerare la pelle e rinvigorire i sensi.